Pork Burger with Garlic-Mayonnaise Sauce

Pork Burger with Garlic-Mayonnaise Sauce: This “homestyle favorite” is a comfort food classic.

The pork is tender and juicy, its rich flavor a testament to the quality of the meat. The garlic-mayo sauce is a creamy delight, the tangy mayo and aromatic garlic coming together to create a sauce that’s both bold and comforting. As you prepare this burger at home, you’ll enjoy the process of shaping the pork patties and crafting the garlic-mayo sauce.

The assembly of the burger is a joy, the pork and sauce coming together in a beautiful combination of flavors and textures. The first bite is a taste sensation, the tender pork and creamy sauce creating a symphony of flavors in your mouth. As you savor the burger, you’ll appreciate the unique combination of ingredients, the way the meat and sauce complement each other perfectly. This is a culinary journey, one that leaves you feeling satisfied and proud of your cooking skills.

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 lb ground pork,
  • 4 burger buns,
  • lettuce,
  • tomato,
  • and garlic-mayonnaise sauce.


Form the pork into 4 patties and grill. Assemble the burgers with the buns, lettuce, tomato, and patties. Top with the garlic-mayonnaise sauce.